
Your questions answered effortlessly!

We are here to assist you

Welcome to our new FAQ landing page – your one-stop destination for all your queries about MXC! We've streamlined the process to make it super easy for our MXC Community to access comprehensive answers to their questions. Whether you're a seasoned user or just getting started, you'll find all the general questions you have right here. Explore our FAQs below to get clearance. Let's make your journey with us as smooth as possible!

DataDash doesn't load,
am I still mining?
How do I receive/submit
the migration form?
How do I set up AXS?
Create new wallet or import?
Is it safe to enter my
seed-phrase on AXS?
Scanning the QR code on
the miner isn't working.
When will I get the tokens  
after submitting the form?
I submitted the form,
didn't get the full MXC amount.
How do I claim my
DataDash tokens?
I can't claim the DHX.
When will I be able to claim BTC?
I tried to claim but got a
"transaction failed" error.
Where can I get MXC for gas?
How do I fuel a miner?
How do I remove fuel
from a miner?

Want to get in touch?

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