MXC MOVES TO AXS: The Final Step Toward a Fully-Fledged MXC DAO
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MXC MOVES TO AXS: The Final Step Toward a Fully-Fledged MXC DAO

The MXC Foundation is moving to a decentralized world, a platform, a wallet, and token management, all owned by you, the blockchain community!

This has been the culmination of years of development work and corporate strategy, to make MXC truly a token of and for the people. We believe crypto is about decentralization and the entire MXC team is committed to ensuring this decentralization is controlled by you, the token holder! 

MXC will be moving all operations from the DataDash App to AXS App. This will occur from the 14th to the 15th of September, 2023. With the AXS App available on the 14th of September and tokens to be allocated on the 15th of September. 

Download the AXS app here:



The key reasons for undergoing this revolutionary Blockchain change are: increased transaction speed for data payments, increased token utility, data mapping / data track and trace, reduced GAS fees via MXC, boosting 3rd party data network integration: ensuring a multitude of new mineable and trackable tokens via your miners, plus so much more. 

To ensure you have a smooth transition from Data Dash to AXS, please ensure you fill out the form sent to Data Dash users, and enter your metamask (preferred) wallet address. 

Once you have completed the Metamask wallet, you will need to add the MXC network to your Metamask, you will need to do this manually, but it is a rather simple process, simply add:

Network Name:

MXC zkEVM Mainnet


Chain ID:




Block Explorer URL:


We’ve covered some of the basic benefits to the network, but MXC is more than just a global data network, we are a network that revolves around you, the MXC users! With the central theme being: You control your token, but let’s take a deeper dive:

GAS FEES: On the AXS APP and across the entire zkEVM blockchain MXC is taking massive strides forward, on launch all GAS fees will be in MXC, this will enable you as a trader, a purchaser, a miner or a swapper to do all of this via MXC token. Ensuring the price of Gas is significantly reduced and based on user activity within the AXS (zkEVM platform). 

You will need MXC in order to pay for trades and swaps, you will also need it to trade between tokens. A simplified one token Gas to solve all your transaction needs! 

DECENTRALIZED WALLET: We took the criticism onboard with the DataDash Wallet, we’ve now made the AXS Wallet completely decentralized! You control your tokens, your keys, your crypto! Now we live by this motto! Simply add your MetaMask wallet address, connect it to AXS and you are in 100% control! 

HEX-METAVERSE: We listened to the community, with the future of the Metaverse Data Network, fact is, we never abandoned the Metaverse, it was never just a “buzzword”, it just took a significant amount of development time. This is something many in Crypto often overlook, with many expecting a delivered product within days. The new HEX-Metaverse is now available on AXS, it demonstrates our Data infrastructure, with more focus on Hexagons, on ownership and on Data coverage. This is the future of our data world, we can’t wait for you to check it out! 


We’re not only decentralizing our network to supporters and holders, we’re also opening the MXC AXS to a wide range of 3rd party tokens. A decentralized world where 3rd parties will offer their token for mining, connecting to your M2 Pro or Neo miners respectively. What you need to do in order to mine these tokens will be up to the 3rd party tokens themselves. Similarly to how anyone can make a token on the Ethereum network, we are opening our network up to be mineable for anyone. This ensures a greater decentralization in mining and allows any 3rd party to make an offering to YOU, the miner! If you like the offer, get involved and get mining! Don't like the mining offer? No problem, we’re sure there’ll be another one that will suit your needs, just around the corner. See this like a Token Exchange, but this is a Mining Exchange, mine, swap and trade the tokens you want, it's up to you! 


This is an exciting time, MXC DAO has moved on from just a “DAO Vote” to a fully interactive, crowd led platform. Giving our MXC supporters full power. The MXC DAO is now an entire concept of self governance, where supporters can do things on-chain and their own, without the need for waiting for approval. 

With the launch of the MXC zkEVM and AXS APP we are empowering our community to develop, trade and launch your own tokens on our vast network. Via the AXS App you will reach thousands of crypto users across the globe, for free guaranteeing you visibility.

Youll be able to use all on-chain elements, platforms and products to really compound on your mined MXC, the options are endless! One dimensional token staking is in the past, this is a brave new decentralized world. Where you control your mining, your token and your future!

MXC supporters, welcome to the future of MXC, the future of data and the future of a bright new world!

MXC Foundation

MXC Foundation